reclaimed flagstones
For over 20 years BCA Matériaux Anciens have been supplying customers high-quality antique reclaimed stone floors and paving to prestigious projects across France, Europe, and all over the world. Our antique reclaimed flagstones will bring an incomparable authenticity to your projects. They are in stock here in our depots, not just a wish-list of non-existant stock as seen on so many company’s websites and social media. Visit us, and you’ll see for yourself.
In limestone, sandstone, granite, marble or slate, BCA Antique Materials’ reclaimed stone flooring bear the marks of time and the wear to which they’ve been subjected. It is this natural patina obtained over the centuries that makes the ancient slabs unique and sought after. For an exterior terrace or courtyard, or an interior floor, our reclaimed flagstones can be integrated into historic projects or contemporary schemes where the material quality is entirely appropriate.
Antique flagstones
Generally very thick, our reclaimed flagstones are very robust, and their surface finish will be variable according to the stone type and the use to which it had been put over the centuries. The good news is that we are able to saw some of these stocks (the limestone in particular) down to a manageable regular thickness, typically approx 30mm (1.2 inches). This facilitates their use for interior projects, and for exterior projects where they are to be laid on over concrete. However consult us if your thickness requirements differ.
The limestone flooring from “Bourgogne” is a noble hard dense limestone, suitable for interiors and exteriors (enabled by Bourgogne stone’s excellent level of frost resistance). With many quarries across a wide region of Eastern France providing different stone colours, there are from nearly white to blue-grey, but Bourgogne flagstone is best known for its creamy beiges. Truly magnificent in its natural state, the limestone from “Bourgogne” is appreciated for its authenticity and its ability to be integrated into projects of different styles. A lot of Burgundy stone comes in light beige and cream through to dark beige, which brings a warm atmosphere thanks to the nuances of the stone. Discover our stock of octagonal tile with corner squares. However, other quarries had more ocre and even reddish shades, whilst blue-greys are common too.
Antique limestone flagstones in stock
Our stocks are well defined and visible so come and see them for yourselves. Used in so many historical places in France and elsewhere in Europe, flagstones has been used for centuries for its beauty and robustness and the way it slowly builds a beautiful patina over time. Being such a hard dense stone, ideal for exteriors even in frosty climates, it’s slowly built up patina is hard to successfully replicate except on softer limestones, but they are never the same.
However there were quarries all over France, so our stocks include consignments for example in Caen, Charente or Montpellier Grey Bar limestones, Britanny granite, Fontainebleau gritstone, volcanic Volvic stone, Angers slate « bluestone » etc etc. View the different consignments via this section of our stock website.