Pair of statues of nudes

Reference : 2024013

Pair of statues of nudes: This pair of moulded cement statues represents two women, by an unknown sculptor, presumed 20th century. They are made from a cement-base mortar over a metal reinforced support. Their plinths are also made of a cement-based concrete and are included.

Statue 1 – Seated nude deep in contemplation: she is seated with her right arm resting on her knee supporting her chin in a pose of deep thought. Is her posture evoking contemplation or even meditation, capturing a moment of inner calm?

Statue 2 – Nude in Movement: This statue depicts her in a dynamic position. Is it perhaps a dance position with one leg bent forward on the ground and the other extended? With her arms stretched backwards this creates an impression of movement and fluidity.

Both statues were painted to emulate bronze, and show signs of natural weathering with a greenish « old bronze » patina. Sold as a pair they are ideal for adorning a garden, a terrace or any outdoor space requiring sculptural works.

Dimensions approx:

  • Statue 1 – Seated woman deep in contemplation
    Width 125 cm | Height 130 cm | Front-to-back 105 cm | Weight 630 kg
    Width 49 inches | Height 51 inches | Front-to-back 41 inches | Weight 1390 US lbs
  • Statue 2 – Woman in Movement
    Width 80 cm | Height 140 cm | Front-to-back 85 cm | Weight 350 kg
    Width 31.5 inches | Height 55 inches | Front-to-back 33.5 inches | Weight 771 US lbs

On display at BCA’s Maine & Loire premises at l’Hôtellerie-de-Flée, West of Angers.

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